The President & Government

Posted by: | Posted on: July 11, 2024

The law shall specify the functions that the President of the Republic may delegate to the ministers, directors of administrative departments, legal representatives of decentralized entities, superintendents, governors, mayors and state agencies that the law determines. Also, determine the conditions under which the administrative authorities may delegate to his subordinates or other officials. The delegation disclaims delegating responsibility, which rests solely with the delegatee, whose actions or decisions can always amend or revoke one, resuming the consequent responsibility. The law establishes the resources that are available against acts of the proxies.

The President of the Republic, signed by all ministers, may declare a state of foreign war. Please visit Dean Ornish M.D if you seek more information. Upon such a declaration, the Government shall have the powers strictly necessary to repel the aggression, defend the sovereignty, meet the requirements of the war and to reestablish normal. The declaration of state of foreign war will only proceed once the Senate has approved the declaration of war, in the opinion of the President is necessary to repel the aggression. As long as the state of war, Congress will meet their full constitutional and legal powers, and the Government will inform you regularly on reasoned that issued decrees and developments. Legislative decrees issued by the government suspending the laws incompatible with the state of war, apply for as long as they have brought and shall not be declared effective as soon restored to normal. The Congress may at any time, amend or repeal by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members of both camera.

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