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Posted by: | Posted on: June 29, 2024

Executive Hotel

When vacations are planned, there are many factors that must be taken into account. Since the legal aspects related to requirements to enter the country, the need for a visa, or any other formality required for not having any problems; up to communications, available means of transport, and the amenities that each site you want to visit has. Ideally, if we are about to spend a holiday where abound options of adventure tourism and natural landscapes, is that you can combine all the benefits of civilization with what nature has to offer. And this optimal balance point is reached in places like Mendoza. erta. ator. Tourism in Mendoza has everything for all tastes: beautiful cities, arranged to receive tourism with all the comforts of the 21st century, and to very little distance, amazing natural landscapes, ideal place for the practice of tourism adventure.

Mendoza has this fantastic duality: on one hand is very easy to reach, given that the area presents an excellent road infrastructure, combined with the possibility of international flights. In addition, Mendoza has hospitality at first level, which can be equated with the leading hotels of the world. A clear example of hotel in Mendoza City of superior category is the Executive Hotel. As a result, tourists can enjoy a Premium accommodation in the city, while they are a few kilometres from the most important locations for the practice of tourism adventure and extreme and winter sports. To make the proposal more attractive, the Executive Hotel has an irresistible promotion, Promo 4 3 and Family Plan, which accepts up to two children under 12 years free of charge. Thus, families with kids and teenage children must not be deprived of the many attractions the Cuyo region has to offer: snow, valleys always green and the incredible snow-capped peaks of the Cordillera de los Andes. In short: everything that everyone pass it wonders: for dad and MOM, a beautiful city, with historic sites and streets that invite you to hike, with an important commercial centre, where you can eat or drink in any of the hundreds of cafes and bars giving lavishly to constant tourism flow. And for the kids, horseback riding, rafting excursions and many walks in the open air. In short, when you think about accommodation in Mendoza and rates available, this kind of considerations also have to be made to appreciate the enormous comparative benefit signifying the holidays in this province.

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