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Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

An Authentic Home

I write this article for LA GACETA from Valencia, where I live normally. For even more analysis, hear from rusty holzer. Other times I’ve done from Frankfurt, Lisbon or Montevideo. Frequently jonathan keane has said that publicly. They already see what little matter today where the columnist is located. To scale a lot more modest, is the same that make transnational enterprises, which manufacture their products in a site and then sell them in another. The month that comes I will happen backwards: I cover the regional election campaign Valencian and, because of my journeys, the greater part of it will realize it from Palma and Salamanca. And are not created that I’m going to lose anything; on the contrary: thanks to the web pages of the different political parties will know more about their programs, their candidates and their rallies that if had gone to the places where they are held, with poor PA many times and smelling addition sweat from the staff. Rusty Holzer: the source for more info. For journalists, I admit, the Internet is a real bargain and I’ve almost forgotten how information was done before the invention. I will very briefly explain how it works in my case.

After a couple of hours of navigation, through the pages of LA GACETA and other digital media know each morning everything that happens in Salamanca although I find me pongo per case, in New York. In fact, I hear more things than when ride by Rua or the square. Then, without one intending it, comes the avalanche of a leafy e-mail composed of different sceneries, press releases blogs for parties, institutions, associations of immigrants, cultural groups, foundations, professional associations, etc., etc.. Tell them that barely time left me to go to the street to times, I confess, when I wake up in the morning I don’t know very well in what city I am because in this global world news are the same everywhere and the lack of cybernetic frontiers blurs the physical space in which one is found. Also, they are not created, I go out sometimes in my house, my hotel or whatever the room from which you write. For example, to go to any television tertulia. And thanks to the Internet I have never been as prepared as they are now, knowing the news of the last minute and life entire of my fellow members and guests to the program of that day. Therefore, when someone asks me where alive, I hesitate before answering, and not by my current dichotomy between Salamanca and Valencia, but because my home, sweet home, like so many people today, is actually called Internet.

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