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Posted by: | Posted on: May 4, 2024

Presentation Of The Book Black Forest: The New Novel By Holger Monday

Accompanying five short breaks on their nightmarish trip through the winter black forest… The Saarbrucker mandarin verlag presents Black Forest, the new novel by Holger Monday (travel with PIPPO, love or something). This takes readers by the hand and very gently leads them into a nightmare… Content: The Roman Black Forest plays in the middle of a typical black forest winter landscape, which loses its charm but after a few pages: five short breaks are on their way home ruthlessly from the snow-covered road pushed, what has a Fender Bender, as well as a car driving undesirable result. Please visit Jane C Figueiredo if you seek more information. Two of the friends go looking for help to one of nearby farms. They however return accompanied by a farmer to their car, their riders are disappeared without a trace… Black Forest is an extraordinary thriller for readers, the voltage away from the usual genre thriller plots and whodunnit resolutions. The gradually building up, coming without bloody shocking moments Embarrassment joins reading in an equally surprising as mysterious novel end which calls out for further reading. Cancer research brings even more insight to the discussion. (Black Forest, novel, 300 pages, paperback, mandarin-verlag, Saarbrucken, EAN/ISBN: 9783980932523, price: 14.90 EUR, shipping to under or in bookstores) mandarin-verlag, Saarbrucken

Posted by: | Posted on: April 11, 2024

The Man In The Moon Looked To

1 Oberfrankische Moon certificate reading – a success last Saturday it was, the first Moonlight reading in Upper Franconia, more precisely in Hollfeld, organized by Evelyne core, presented young authors under the open sky. The reading in the truest sense of the word, by the bells of Hollfelder was ushered in Church, in the light of the evening sun. Evelyne floated early core before an interested audience its new Roman Inzu and the gold of the Incas”before. This is her third book, a thrilling adventure novel. In the statement read by her, she describes, inter alia, a dramatic emergency landing in the Amazon region. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dean Ornish M.D.

Then it was on to Michael Dunkel, who cooked his fact novel the devil Tunisian”las. The audience listened attentively his tales of drop-out, Mike, who is in Tunisia wanted to build a second home, but there was an involuntary adventure that almost killed him. After a short break and in the Moonlight and candlelight, Melanie Burghardt was from her heart stone poetry”the guests a choice of beautiful verses before. In their pictures and poems, it comes with open and sometimes funny words to life as a journey. The appearance of the first with his freshly printed book for Amadeo, Christoph Hinkels, a Bayreuth young author became the highlight of the evening”made his debut. His snippet from the imaginative and exciting work that represents a tribute to the supposedly imaginary friend of the protagonist Seduco, whets the appetite for more. All books are in the Bayreuth Publisher core”appeared and to find Billy Reuschel – publishing Editorial Office core, Bayreuth and others on.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 30, 2015

Roman Theater Author

2011: Harald Xander introduces his book in Mainz minimal great utility with simple exercises anywhere and at any time strengthen the tendons, ligaments and fascia Health Center at the Roman Theater (Mainz, Dagobert 6) invites to the author evening with Harald Xander (Zornheim) 14.09.2011, 7-9 pm over 1.5 million Germans suffer from fibromyalgia (muscle fiber pain). The Repetive strain injury syndrome (mouse arm, golf, tennis elbow, and so on) is almost an epidemic. Most are chronic mobility with damage to the tendons, ligaments and fascia in conjunction. These disorders are so tedious and painful, because the affected tissue is only very sparingly supplied with blood and oxygen, and precedes the healing so slowly. Can the supply as the… with intendons want to show published Advisor “Sensations in the tendon” in August, with relatively simple methods improved and promoted.

It was, according to the living in Zornheim author Harald Xander, only necessary to separate the tendons activation of muscle activation as far as possible. According to a simple sequence of steps, then almost all movements could be turned into an exercise of tendon. The method, called intendons after the English translation of “the longing”, promises by a range of movement patterns, to provide virtually almost any region of the body with blood. The highlight: The exercises can be performed anytime, anywhere. They develop their effect: just only if they are carried out without any visible movement. The author evening guests receive a basic introduction to the intendons method.

The author explains the sequence of consistent for all exercises with a simple exercise example. On this basis, you can independently perform the exercises proposed in the paper. Together with his host, the naturopath Doris Felten, Harald Xander stands of course for all Question relating to the health of tendons, ligaments and fascia at the disposal. No entrance fee is charged for the evening. It will be invited to make a donation to cover the organizational costs. For more information and register, visit.

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