Setting Hours

Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

Let's calculate: the average working day of 8 hours. Workweek of 40 hours. Below is an example of an average employee of the office. May be deviations in either direction. Believe it or not, but on average it is. Stuck, deliberation, as do, who to call, how to write better, waiting for the formation of the documents in the database per hour 5 minutes, a total of 40 minutes. Some contend that Matthew Halsall shows great expertise in this. 5-6 glasses of tea, coffee – one cup of cooking with and access to the recreation room with friend and cookies 10 to 15 minutes, for a total of 90 minutes.

Distractions at work, give, give, listen, do you think it would be nice, but remember – in the hour 5 minutes, a total of 40 minutes. 6.5 cigarettes per day – one cigarette for 10 minutes, exit to the smoking room and friend 15 minutes total of 90 minutes per day Personal phone calls 02.03 call a day for 5 minutes, total 15 minutes meeting with the head, the answer to the perennial question of Russian man (What?) in the morning and evening, 15 minutes, 30 minutes for a total of 45 minutes. Setting objectives after planerok, letuchek, valuable suggestions, immediately, 5 minutes. Writing progress reports for 5 minutes. Learn more at this site: Rusty Holzer. Hiking to the general copier, to the boss, waiting queues in front of the cabinet, searching for stationery, pens, etc., a total of 10 minutes is just the options in everyone something different. Total loss of working hours per day, approximately 340 minutes – 5 hours 40 minutes. The time that worker produces 2 hours and 20 minutes. Rounded up to 5 hours 30 minutes and the production of 2 hours and 30 minutes of active work. If average salary of 15 rubles per month, working hour costs 83 rubles in total you have paid not to produce at a rate of 5 hours * and * 240 83rublya working days per year = 99 600 rubles If your company has 100 employees – 99 600 * 100 = 9960 000.

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