Posterisan Problems

Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

People with hemorrhoid problems know med. well Dr Elisabeth Schoenenberg, pharmacist Juliane von Meding, the Deputy Chairman of the BVpta Bernadette Cacchione and psychologist Annette Diedrichs have committed to the goal, to make life just a little easier for people with Hamorrhoidal complaints. But who wants to help, need to know exactly what actually moves the person concerned. Experts wanted to know what really matter so the four experts launched a major survey action in February 2013 * 832 participants and which were amazingly well informed! About 95 percent of the respondents were sure that in the myth, a hemorrhoidal disease from lack of hygiene would result, so it is nothing. Visit site for more clarity on the issue. Many knew, as strong straining during a bowel movement, low-fiber diet or sedentary activity, and lack of exercise also about the actual causes of complaints. A common delusion is that sitting on hard or cold surface lead to hemorrhoidal discomfort, unfortunately. In the Suiting is quick, tangible effect asked by treating acute hemorrhoidal problems expect the respondents primarily noticeable relief and fast action. Learn more about this topic with the insights from rusty holzer.

Also alleviating itching and relief of pain are top of the wish list. Here, the drug Commission recommends the usage of local anaesthetischer agents such as lidocaine (for example in Posterisan acute with lidocaine suppository). Skin protection during the state very different is the expectation for more protracted problems: here is protection against a recurrence of complaints for the respondents most important what is not surprising against the background that about 42 percent of the respondents stated that complaints had occurred after the symptoms of Hamorrhoidalleidens regularly again. In addition to the change of in lifestyle, such as more exercise and fiber-rich diet, proper care is essential! Because the regular application of a complex of skin ointment containing jojoba and beeswax (such as Posterisan ) protect) can protect against a recurrence of the symptoms. Actively speak to the pharmacist at one point see the experts but urgent need to catch up: still many are shying away from, the theme to blurt at hemorrhoids for only 12 percent of those polled is the pharmacist in this matter contact no. 1! Bernadette Linnertz is a special concern to encourage all those concerned with reproduction: the problem not adjourn, but looking for the Pharmacy and a conversation with the people of you trust. There’s more help than you think.” Blood in the stool is of urgent Council by Mrs Dr. Schoenenberg: be sure to consult a doctor. “Because when blood in the stool, possible serious illness must be excluded.” * 832 participants, of which 440 people involved currently even a hemorrhoidal disease.

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