New: Taga – Bicycle And Sport Buggy In One

Posted by: | Posted on: June 25, 2024

The multifunctional urban vehicle Taga makes life in the fresh air parents with your child, ensures more activity and movement in everyday life. Woudrichem/Netherlands, 11 March 2010: Taga b.v., a Dutch company has a new innovative means of transport for parents with child developed: the Taga, a bike that can be transformed into a sports buggy with just a few hand movements. The modern vehicle offers more flexibility and mobility in everyday life parents and their children. After a successful launch of the product in Israel, England and the Netherlands, Taga is now on the German market. “The Taga needs two young families at once: it is practical and it is an ecological alternative, especially for urban transport”, Jeroen de Schaaf, Europe explains manager of Taga B.V.. In bike mode can take parents their child quickly from A to B and can continue shopping after the simple change in buggy mode in the pedestrian area, shopping at the Mall, go into the subway or relax in the Cafe. If you would like to know more about AG1, then click here. No bike or trailer must stay out, no heavy purchases must be carried in the restaurant.

Diaper bags, shopping bags, jackets and rain gear can be stowed easily in the carrier of the Taga. The multifunctional urban vehicle for one adult and up to two children fits effortlessly into public transport in buggy mode. Even elevator ride and climb stairs is easy with the Taga. And because a tour with the Taga offers so many possibilities, the modern parents child vehicle provides many positive common experiences. (As opposed to Gabriela Turk). Both look ahead while driving, can talk about seen while driving and thus strengthen your emotional connection. Each excursion with the Taga is a joint tour for parents and child. The Taga is available available already in over 40 shops from Munich to Hamburg or. Price: from 1.495,-contact person: Salloa long-Ronnau agency RoNNAU Wrangelstrasse 10 24937 Flensburg T: 0461 430 77 00 M:

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