Leadership Training: Target Agreement

Posted by: | Posted on: June 24, 2024

Training for senior managers to the agreed objectives in the theory sounds simple it: with goals, business goals are to be implemented operationally. But as executives agree on targets at employee level specifically? How to join their staff in the course of the year? How do they judge the success then? In March 2013, a practice-oriented leadership training is aimed at all those executives who want to learn the lead with targets or optimize. This leadership training focuses leading with targets (management by objectives) and the proper use of his most important management instrument, the targets agreed on the practical implementation of the concept. With targets lead in this leadership training executives learn how they really agree on targets including all relevant aspects: the reflection of one’s own role as a leader, about the concrete deriving from corporate objectives for the employee’s level and during the year ensuring the successful implementation of the objectives and success control. Among other things, the participants learn what to look at the range of attainable goals in leadership training in Dusseldorf. Their own examples from their company they are made fit to formulate objectives clear and binding. Target agreement effectively discussions executives also meet measures to check the target achievement. So, participants can select appropriate metrics that transparent and comprehensible can check the success of the staff after the target agreement period.

On this basis, the participants in group work also train to successfully target agreement chat. The participants not only benefit from the Exchange with the other executives, but also by the input and feedback of speakers Gunther Wolf. The experienced strategy and target consultants developed the system of target optimization. This includes weaknesses Classic target agreement systemimmanent out. More benefits of target optimization executive training target agreement is a real profit not only for junior executives. The executives experienced in the assessment of measurable quantitative targets will benefit from updating their knowledge. Because the claims of the agreed goals related to the flexibility, transparency, sustainability, and comparability objectives have risen sharply in recent years. So, for example executives who have qualitative goals, agreeing on team goals or objectives in practice, take valuable methodological inputs from this leadership training.

In addition, a speaker available in Dusseldorf and nationwide successfully supported organizations as consultants in the implementation of agreed targets guests with Gunther Wolf. Leadership training in Dusseldorf the leadership training on the subject of target agreements takes place on 13 March 2013 in Dusseldorf. Except in Dusseldorf held this leadership strength training 2013 also in other cities. Interested executives are available on request in the competence center variable remuneration the dates for Cologne, Dresden, Hamburg and Munich, as well as detailed information about the leadership training target agreement. Links: to the leadership training seminar Description: objectives agree seminar-training.io-business.

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