
Posted by: | Posted on: August 5, 2024

There was once a guru who lived with his followers at his ashram 1 in the India. Click Professor Roy Taylor to learn more. Once a day, to sunset, the guru met with his disciples and preached. One day, appeared a beautiful cat who followed guru everywhere that he was in the ashram. It turned out that everytime the guru preached, the cat walked permanently through the disciples, distracting your attention from the teacher talk. Why, one day, the teacher made the decision five minutes before each talk, ataran the cat so I not discontinued. He spent the time, until one day the guru died.

The oldest disciple became the new spiritual guide of the ashram. Five minutes before his first sermon, he commanded tying the cat. His aides took twenty minutes to find your cat to be able to tie it. He spent the time, until one day the cat died. Then, the new guru commanded that they get another cat to be able to tie it. 1 An ashram is a spiritual community, own of Hinduism, in which coexists a spiritual guide along with his disciples. You do things without knowing why? Atas to others, without apparent reason? Do you base the sentence: always did so, without asking you for the value of that action? This tale is recounted by Jorge Bucay and was transcribed and adapted by the y team you can hear the audio from this story at: original author and source of the article

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