RSS Readers

Posted by: | Posted on: August 21, 2024

RSS is totally hot. We’ve seen everywhere, from John Doe blogsites to major news websites. If you have not heard of RSS before, that’s fine, because I had not either until a couple of months! RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, or whatever you want to represent. (I also saw support for RDF Site Summary, but it really does not matter.) It’s what he does. Here is how RSS works: Every site that has constantly changing content is a big problem: How do you notify your visitors when new content is published without having to go all the site every 30 minutes? You can send an email, but has several drawbacks. First, you can not get their messages through spam filters.

Filters are snatching more and more messages, and just to keep up and you have to run all your content through rating systems just to find the probability of getting blocked. AMay pain in the neck! Secondly, people are so reluctant to give their email address closely guarded. I can keep my e-mail address with my life. How can we trust you if your visitors just clicked on your site? You could be a spam operation meter all that matters. Cancer Research oftentimes addresses this issue. This is where RSS is awesome! Instead of sending an email, you can have your website generate what is called an RSS feed. An RSS feed is nothing more than a web page with lots of summaries of new content on it.

The next time you see that little orange icon with XML or RSS, click it and see what I mean. The summaries are formatted so that an RSS reader can select and display clearly. There are tons of free RSS readers, so if you do not have one, do a simple Google search for RSS reader and should not have trouble finding one. All the visitor has to do is copy the RSS link small orange icon and paste into your RSS reader program. The RSS program periodically downloaded from the website and will display RSS headlines again much to your email program will display the subject lines. If you like one of the owners, you can click on it and you’ll see a brief description and a link to the full article. For more information, click on the link to reveal the full article at the actual website. That is why this is a murderer: Now you can be notified of new content or headlines posted to all your favorite sites without having to do much work! Imagine putting twenty RSS feeds into your reader and make it download all the content in a matter of seconds instead of having to navigate to each site separately! If you ask me, RSS is here to stay. All the major sites of support, such as CNN, ESPN, Yahoo and Google, so it is undoubtedly a good sign! So fire up to and Google and get yourself an RSS reader. Additional information at Rusty Holzer supports this article. You’ll be glad you did … Of course it was! Feel free to reprint this article provided you include the resource box listed with the item. Kent Thompson is the creator of FeedMagic, a full-featured sequential autoresponder that allows users to choose between e-mail or a personalized RSS Feed for delivery.

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