Factoring And Leasing:

Posted by: | Posted on: June 24, 2024

The winning team in the middle market financing Munich, February 18, 2009 – a sluggish economy, weak consumption and limited access to bank loans currently put the middle class especially under pressure. The protection of own liquidity stands thereby for many companies in the first place. Methods of financing can be here a good alternative or supplement such as factoring and leasing, to stay liquid. With factoring companies make money owed. The entrepreneur sold his claims Vantargis factoring in continuously that and immediately receives about 80 percent as cash and cash equivalents. The Vantargis retains the remaining sum first factoring as a security, if a customer cuts the Bill and this pays off minus a fee to the factoring customer, once the customer has paid. Read additional details here: John Studzinski. Our customers have so instead of high debts”fast cash with which they can immediately work, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring. So can be in the shopping discounts, or the own customers offer longer payment terms”.

Factoring the customer with a product receives three service components. In addition to the financing are failure protection of claims and accounts receivable management. Depending on the needs and specific conditions we offer different models our customers”, so cheerful. So-called snippet factoring, we define for example before contract start”together certain accounts receivable, which are then handled in the factoring. Companies can exclude so quick payer or specific customer groups of the factoring and save unnecessary costs.

Interested parties can find more information, as well as the free factoring Guide under. The pillars of corporate financing the leasing is a perfect complement to the factoring. While factoring to sales financing only passed has established itself years in in Germany, leasing is long known and most have financed new investments that. The Vantargis group of companies with its leasing companies AML Leasing GmbH and Sigma Leasing GmbH, a joint venture with the active) lease Vantargis finance GmbH offers its customers a large leasing product portfolio. These include the various leasing models, such as sale-and-lease-back or even rent to own. Especially sale-and-lease-back transactions is a financing solution that the company owned sold owned mobile fixed assets such as machinery and equipment and at the same moment again about a lease back least – find increasingly interest in the company. We are very flexible as a bank-independent company and offer our customers individual solutions”, so Patrick G. Weber, Managing Director of AML leasing and SIGMA leasing. Funding over net book value include for example also season rates, summer and winter rates or, depending on the credit”. With factoring, companies secure liquidity, thus continuously while leasing well on new investments or even though for example long term in plant and machinery should be enabled to bound capital. On March 4, 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany, from 19: 00, can obtain an up-to-date overview of the possibilities of factoring, leasing and the inclusion in the free lecture new ways of business financing”of funds in the corporate finance. Registrations under background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service.

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